The rules are:* Link to the person who tagged you* Post the rules on your blog* Write six random things/unspectacular quirks about yourself* Tag six people at the end of your post* Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog* Let the tagger know when your entry is posted (Erin tagged me, so here's my six quirks.)
1.) I can't stay awake for the life of me if I start a movie after 10 p.m.
2.) I'm a bit of a germ a phobic or I should say I am an extreme germ a phobic. I carry antibacterial in my purse and I drive my fam a little crazy pouring it on their hands. Public bathrooms totally freak me out and I cringe if I have to take Hayden. I wash my hands at home several several times a day! I know I have a prob, I'm getting a little better since I have two little boys who are into getting dirty.
3.) I fold shirts a certain way and it drives me nuts if they are folded a different way. I attribute this to when I worked at Dillards for a couple years.
4.) I can not stand the sight of blood. I get lightheaded and queasy. I have a total respect for people in the medical field, I could never do it.
5.) I get really agitated if I have to pee. ( I don't know if I like this tag, I sound like a freak!)
6.) I'm really good at procrastinating, and then I get anxiety because I leave things to the last minute.
If you read this you are tagged!
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6 years ago
Hey, I just found your blog! I didn't even know you had one! Hey sorry I missed your call yesterday. We have been beyond busy and I just can't seem to find time to do anything! Do you have a cell? I think I just have your home phone. Do you have text plans? I hate talking on the phone (I don't know why!) so text me and I will probably text ya back. Plus I can totally do it while driving or whatever! :-) Talk to you later!
Oh and by the way, that tag didn't make you seem weird! Mine was a lot like yours!
I also can't stay awake past 10 in a movie...Tyler hates me for it, but has learned to deal...and the whole folding the shirts a certain way is me to a tee with towels. See Julie, you are not a freak like you say you are :) Also, love the Halloween costumes!!!!!!!!
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